The actress Dimple Hayathi had some genuine reasons behind her absence in Telugu films this year. While the actor posted several pictures and videos showing her difficulties before and during the workout, she posted a ‘happy note’. In one of the videos she posted, she can be seen lying on a hospital bed with a saline drip.
Dimple opened up about having health issues this year. It’s been twenty-five days since she started exercising again, she wrote. I resumed my fitness journey after a challenging year due to health issues, including a roadie for a while and three months of bed rest following major surgery. The journey has been filled with frequent hospital visits.
The actor went on to say that hormonal imbalances and a “good amount of unhealthy weight” were caused by her health problems, which in turn caused inflammation and “training wrong.” It’s quite a roller coaster, she continued, “but it’s important to know that even a regular healthy person can go wrong at some point. Constantly keeping track of your health is quite an asset these days.” She also mentioned that she was experiencing shoulder, ankle, and lower back pain on the right side, as well as a lot of stiffness and skin breakouts.
Dimple then expressed gratitude to her fitness instructors, Kuldip and Suminder Sethi, mentioning that her mobility has improved and that her back pain has “already reduced by 70%.” “I’m back to normal again after eating a good, healthy diet to reduce inflammation,” she wrote. “As an actress, it takes courage to share it publicly, but I’m sure that might help someone out there who’s been dealing with themselves and courage to open up. I hope that by at least taking one step, I can motivate you to keep going. She wished her fans a happy 2025 and promised to keep them informed as her health improved.
Dimple has been active in the entertainment industry since 2017 after she featured in the Telugu movie titled Gulf, but she only gained popularity after she featured and performed the song ”Jarra Jarra” 2019 movie Gaddalakonda Ganesh. In 2021, she also came into the Hindi film industry with the movie named Atrangi Re. She has not shown what she has in store for her, and the last film she was featured in was the Ramabanam in 2023.