With the long weekend in India coming up that includes Independence Day and Raksha Bandhan, Airbnb has noticed a significant rise in searches for travel-related content. Indian tourists are displaying a noticeable excitement for both domestic and foreign travel, keen to make the most of the prolonged vacation.
According to Airbnb’s most recent data, domestic search queries for stays increased by an astounding 340 per cent year over year (Y-o-Y) during this time. This suggests that Indian tourists are increasingly choosing to spend their short vacations exploring nearby locations. Among the most popular domestic destinations, Goa, Lonavala, Puducherry, Mumbai, Bengaluru, New Delhi, and Udaipur showed up.
The general manager of Airbnb for Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, and Southeast Asia, Amanpreet Bajaj, saw the growth in popularity of domestic travel. Because domestic sites are relatively accessible, the data highlights an increasing tendency among Indian travellers to visit them over short holidays and extended weekends. With our host options, we at Airbnb are thrilled to provide a variety of stays to let travellers discover new places and fully engage with the local way of life,” the spokesperson stated.
This spike in interest in travel is indicative of a larger trend among Indian travellers, who are choosing quick trips close by to maximize their long weekends, with Airbnb being a major enabler of these kinds of experiences. The platform’s varied options are prepared to meet this increased demand as Independence Day and Raksha Bandhan weekend draws near, assisting travellers in creating lifelong memories all around the nation.