New citizens are thanks to Singapore continuing to be a hub on the global scene. A citizenship ceremony, he attended while stressed that they also help with new experiences, diverse perspectives, and international connections that help the country’s economic growth one that doesn’t stop at numbers and statistics.
In contrast with London, New York, and Shanghai, Lee made the observation that major global centers have to be open to talent and enterprise from around the world. He continued: “The constant flow of new arrivals leads to cross-pollination of ideas and cultures and thus creates new innovations.”
Every year, Singapore has about 30,000 births and about 22,000 new citizens coming in to support the workforce in different fields. He recalled visiting Google’s headquarters in Silicon Valley and many of the professionals there had immigrant grandparents. “America has been successful because it has attracted the best talent from all over the world. We cannot be closed to new ideas and talent.”
The Minister also noted that Singapore is a city of many nationalities and has for many years been home to Chinese, Indians, Malays and others who created a successful nation. However, he acknowledged that there are concerns among the locals on the competition for jobs and stressed that there is a need for a balanced immigration policy.
To facilitate the transition, every new citizen has to go through the Singapore Citizenship Journey to gain an understanding of the culture and ways of life. Community-led Integration and Naturalisation Champions also help in welcoming them.
In his words: “New citizens should actively participate in Singaporean society, reject prejudice, and help to create a better society. In the same manner, by opening up the society, Singapore will continue to be dynamic and one that offers hope for everyone,” he said.