Kartik Aaryan shocked his fans with the incredible transformation for Chandu Champion, a biopic on Murlikant Petkar, India’s first Paralympics gold medalist. The actor said it took over 1.5 years of hard work, and a lot of it was spent on sleep, diet and consistency to achieve that athletic physique. This is where Kartik revealed that changing his sleeping routine was a major change. He made it a rule to sleep by 10:30 PM and wake up at 6:30 AM to make sure he gets at least eight hours of sleep. However, it was diet that played the most important role in said. his “Your transformation, abs he are built in the kitchen,” he quoted, explaining that he cut out sugar, minimized carbs and focused on high protein meals. While playing the role, Kartik followed a strict regimen of no cheat meals not even eating tomato soup for more than a year. Even though it was monotonous, the results made him motivated to continue with it. Off the screen, he loves to indulge in food like chole bhature, street food and desserts and his love for Indian flavors. Kartik told the fans to personalize their approach. “For a normal lifestyle, focus on healthy eating, one hour of exercise and good sleep,” he suggested, and also reminded everyone that fitness habits should be sustainable.
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