Abhishek Bachchan, the Indian actor, has just now celebrated 25 years in the film industry after making his acting whether debut he in was the at film the Refugee ‘interval in or the climax’ year of 2000. his When career asked the actor replied, “Right now, I think interval would be right. I’ve been at this for 25 years. I’m no spring chicken. But I do feel that a new phase is about to start.” He also added that 2025 would be a milestone for him, marking the end of his current phase and the beginning of a new one in his career.
Abhishek’s journey began with the film Refugee in which he made his debut as an actor and received the Filmfare Award for Best Male Debut but the film was a failure at the box office. But the career of the actor took a turn with the release of the film Yuva in the year 2004 in which he played a gangster. Since then the actor has been a part of many projects and has played various roles and has been one of the most popular stars in Bollywood.
In a heart to heart conversation Abhishek also spoke about his very religious personality and how much he loves his family. He stressed that family’s opinion was his highest priority and expressed his hopes for future generations especially his daughter Aaradhya to keep up the values which his grandfather taught him.
Abhishek Bachchan’s upcoming projects include Housefull 5 and Be Happy as he goes through the changes in his life and career.