Websites and services run by Business Outrank, a division of the company, is the distribution of
data and content through internet-connected devices. This privacy statement describes how
personal data is collected, used, disclosed, and transferred. This policy is part of the Terms of
Use for these services and is subject to modification as new features and updates are added to
the Services. Users give their agreement for their personal information to be collected, stored,
and used by Business Outrank to perform its services. The business is dedicated to
safeguarding consumer privacy in appropriate methods. In addition to data obtained from other
sources, user data also contains details supplied by users that are automatically recorded while
they are navigating.
Registration data:
We ask for basic contact information such as your name, sex, age, address, pin code, phone
number, occupation, hobbies, and email address when you register on the website, Application,
and for the Service. We will retrieve information from any other accounts you register with, such
as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, etc., to continue communicating with you and offering the Services.
Voluntary information:
We may collect additional information at other times, including but not limited to, when you
provide feedback, change your content or email preferences, respond to a survey, or
communicate with us.
Users can use cookies to gather data for User Identification, giving them a unique, random
number to enhance the application’s responsiveness. However, only after signing up can
cookies be used to identify users personally. Cookies cannot read hard drives, and advertisers
may add cookies to your browser if you click on ads. The application collects and retains certain
types of information on your device, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Log File Information
The log system automatically collects data about your computer’s and mobile device’s internet
connection speed, including your IP address. This information helps internet-connected devices
send information, such as the pages you visit. Other log data includes your machine’s name,
browser type and version, CPU speed, and connection speed. Additionally, the system may
gather information from your device, including location, IP address, operating system, browser
type, version, CPU speed, and connection speed.
Clear GIFs
We may use “clear GIFs” (Web Beacons) to track the online activities of our visitors without
immediately identifying them. We may also employ clear GIFs in HTML-based emails that we
send to our users to track which emails are opened by the recipients. We use this information,
among other things, to send you our web pages when you ask for them, to tailor our website,
application, or service to the interests of our users, to track application traffic in order to improve
the usability, functionality, and interactivity of the application, and to let advertisers know the
countries from which our users are visiting.
Demographic and purchase information:
We use Google Analytics, among other tools, to keep track of website visitor activities. To better
understand the demographics and interests of our readers, we have enabled Google Analytics
in particular to allow display advertising. The reports are unrelated to any specific, personally
identifiable information you may have provided us and are therefore anonymous.
The privacy policies of third-party websites may be different from ours, and after you leave our
servers, any information you supply will be processed in line with those policies. Please get in
touch with the application’s creators if you are unable to access these policies. In order to better
understand our audience and persuade them of the benefits of advertising, we give aggregated
data on visits to various pages on our websites or applications. Third-party ad companies
provide the ads, but we never provide these websites or ad servers with your personal
information without your consent.
We collect user information to improve and tailor our services. For some services, we may need
your contact information. By using this information, we can enhance, protect, and develop new
services. Your email address may be used by us with your consent for promotional
communications, but not for marketing or commercial purposes. Any publicly accessible
information you share on the app is not recognised as personally identifiable information. If you
choose not to disclose personal information, you might not be able to access some services. We
might occasionally ask you to update your information so that you have a better user
When ordered to do so by a court order, legislation, or governmental body, the Company may
share user information without their permission. This disclosure has been made in good faith
and is justified by the need to uphold this Agreement’s provisions or to comply with the law. The
Company plans to share this information with the group’s executives and employees to get their
permission to handle personal data in compliance with guidelines and security measures. The
Company may also provide third-party social networks with details on user activity to be
displayed on their publicly accessible social walls. Users can customise their privacy settings to
decide what data they want to share and what they don’t.
On request, access to personal data is provided, and technological effort is being done to rectify
any information that is inaccurate or incomplete. Users must provide their own identification and
make clear which information they wish to access, modify, or erase. Requests that are
excessively repetitious, technical, violate privacy, or unsuitable may not be granted. There is no
charge for information access or repair, although it can take some time for copies to be totally
deleted from backup systems and servers.
We have put security measures in place to prevent unauthorised access, data alterations,
disclosure, or destruction. These measures include restricted access to our systems, encryption,
physical security, and internal audits. However, since no security system is impenetrable, we
cannot guarantee the total security of our database or the non-interception of information
received over the Internet. Please remember that anybody can view whatever you post on a
discussion board. Additionally, anonymous information about your visits or app usage may be
used by third-party advertising businesses to display you relevant advertisements without
knowing your personal contact information.
Because the internet is continuously changing, we reserve the right to alter this privacy
statement to take into account new developments in both technology and legal requirements.
Any modifications will be published on the “Application” and acknowledged when used. By often
reading our privacy statement, you can make sure you are aware of any updates.
Redress Mechanism: You must immediately notify the designated Grievance Officer (listed
below) of any complaints, abuse, or concerns regarding the processing of the information you
provide or any violations of these terms by sending a written notice or an email that includes an
electronic signature to